Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Musical Ukraine!

Are you worried sick about the tenuous situation in Ukraine?  Shirtless Russian KGB Thug Vladimir Putin is rattling his saber, and some think a Russian attack is imminent.  (A side note: meanwhile, this year's Russkie figure skater may or may not be disqualified at the Olympics, for doping.  Why can't those Commies just play nice??)

Whenever I think of Ukraine - which isn't often - my mind goes to some music I played in the school band, either at East Junior High or Boise High.  It was more than 50 years ago, and it's all just a blur now.  But I still remember the music well.  Music has incredible power on the mind!

When we played Mussorgsky's "The Great Gate of Kiev," I thought it was magnificent!  Much like this interpretation by Herbert von Karajan.  (I bet we really sounded like a bunch of kids honking on instruments that were marginally in tune.)

Click HERE to listen.

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